Tuesday 14 January 2014

You have taken your first step into a larger world...

Ok so, after all my time spent on youtube and blogs over the past few years, I have finally overcome my fears and decided to take the plunge and begin writing my own blog! I always thought that blogging was something “other people” did; people who were far more interesting than me and who seriously knew their stuff...
But I have realised that, in reality, most of those “other people” are really just like me – people who have a passion for something! And it’s not that they know everything there is to know, rather they are just choosing to share their experiences and knowledge with the rest of the internet. After all, we all have to start somewhere, and even the Jedi Masters began as young padawans... ;)

I am obviously doing this purely as a hobby (and maybe to give myself an excuse to try new products...!) and it is borne out of my late-blooming (I only really discovered “beauty” at 19!) love for makeup and beauty. A bit late to the party, I know, but product reviews on blogs and youtube have helped me when I was starting out, and if I can help one person save their money on a rubbish product, find a product perfect for them, or just make them smile or laugh along the way then I consider my work to be done. After all, everyone deserves to feel beautiful, inside and out, and although “no amount of makeup can mask an ugly heart” (Kevin Aucoin) I don’t think there’s anything wrong with indulging in a little ‘prettying up’ every now and then!

I don’t claim to know everything about beauty – far from it! I’m not a makeup artist, hair stylist or actually anything remotely to do with the beauty industry; but I do love it. And thought it might be worth a shot to share the things I love (and probably some stuff I hate) with anyone out there who wants to listen.

SO where to begin...well my name is Amy and I live in Devon, in the UK. I’m 24 and, besides most things beauty and makeup, I love music, food (especially pizza!), high heels, movies and surfing. Oh and Star Wars, obviously. I will be blogging about a range of things to do with beauty: makeup, skincare, body stuff, hair stuff, nails and probably some fashion thrown in there as well. If I get brave enough/wake up early enough before work I may also do some Face Of The Day and Outfit Of The Day posts, as I always enjoy reading about those myself.  I also have twitter @LipGlossJedi if you would like to follow me on there.

Well, thank you so much for reading my first ever post! One of the things I am most looking forward to is talking to you guys (I'm not as serious as I look above - see evidence below...!) so please do comment and get involved!

May the gloss be with you...


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