
The boring stuff, it is time for!
I’m just your everyday, average girl that enjoys writing about makeup, skincare, and other things which I feel like writing about! I am not a professional skincare expert or makeup artist, and nor do I claim to be one. Any info here is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for advice by a trained professional. Because I am not one of them!
This means that anything I choose to feature here is based on my own personal experiences. This also means that you may not love everything I love, or hate everything I hate – it may be that your opinion is the opposite of mine. But variety is the spice of life, and all that, and the world would be a pretty boring place if we were all the same - nobody wants to be Jango Fett when everyone else is Jango Fett too! I know I’d rather be Han Solo...

I Am Not Liable…
As a result of our individuality, your results may vary on any or all the items I feature. Please bear in mind that I am only one person, and as such I can only speak for myself. Although I would love to help you, I am not liable for any problems that may arise from you trying out a product I have featured here. If you get spots, break out in a rash, end up with dry or oily skin or your hair looks like an Ewok having a bad hair day, I’m sorry but I can't be responsible for these problems. Please use any and all items featured with caution and safety and a good dose of common sense.

Reviews, Opinions, and Other Words That Come Out Of My Mouth...
All of the reviews, opinions, and other words you see here are my own and are based on my experiences. I am not affiliated with any of the brands mentioned, nor do I endorse them or do they endorse me. I am not paid for my reviews, and blogging is most definitely NOT my full time job. As this is a personal blog, I reserve the right to my own opinion. Any links embedded in my posts are simply there to show you where you can purchase a product, or if you would like further details. These are NOT affiliate links – this means that I do NOT get paid if you click on them or purchase a product. Although I currently have no plans to do so, I reserve the right to include an affiliate link in future posts, however any such links will be clearly marked as affiliate. 

Purchased or Press Samples?
Currently, 100% of the products you see here are purchased with my very own moolah (a.k.a. cash, dosh, dough, dollar, bucks etc etc) If I am ever given anything to review, or get something for free, please know that this will not automatically mean it gets a glowing review. All of my reviews and thoughts about products are honest and they will continue to be so. Any review which features a product given to me or provided as a sample will clearly state this.

Images Used On This Blog
Images used on this blog are my own, unless otherwise stated. If you want to use any images please ask first. Occasionally images found on the web and believed to be in the public domain may be used. I don’t claim to be the owner of such images, and any and all visual content is copyrighted to its respectful owner. If you own an image I have used and you want it removed, please email me and I will do so as soon as possible.

Comments – over to you...
I want to hear what you think! I love to read comments and discuss things, so please do leave comments and let me know your thoughts. The comments are moderated to ensure any spam is kept to a minimum, so if your comment doesn’t appear right away, check back later. I will try to reply to as many as I possibly can.
However, please try to keep your comments civil and polite, and remember that at the other end of that computer is a real person. If you wouldn’t say it to their face, then don’t say it on the internet! (I’m sure Yoda would have said that. If he used the internet.) Any “trolls” or inappropriate/insulting comments will be deleted. Comments left by readers do not reflect the views of the editor.

PR Enquiries
Whilst currently I have not worked with any brands or PR companies, I am open to doing this in the future. If you are a PR Company or a brand, please feel free to contact me to discuss any opportunities you think would be suitable for Lip Gloss Rebel - please email me at lipglossjediblog@gmail.com

Sorry about that! Hope you're still awake.

As always, May the Gloss be with you...


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